Beach Reflections History

Revere Beach memories at Easter always a special time….

Easter time at Revere Beach

Story written by Christina Puleo for

Easter time was and still is an important time of year for Revere residents. Churches of all denominations (such as The Immaculate Conception Parish, St. Anthony’s Church, or the First Congregational Church) prepared for holiday services, parents rushed to stores like Selya’s to buy their Sunday best, and numerous ballrooms encouraged patrons to dance the night away before closing for Good Friday. However, this season also marked the reopening of Revere Beach’s amusements a landmark that people from all over the country would travel to see as the weather warmed.

The Beach was lined with attractions like the Cyclone, the Derby Racer, and the appropriately named Jack Rabbit (it did open around Easter, after all!) April showers bring May flowers, as the saying goes, so ride operators would hope for sunshine and smiles on Easter weekend. While this time urged residents to reflect on their lives and spirituality, it also encouraged them to build their community. Strangers boarded rides together, frequented movie theaters, and spun around the Carousel.

Out-of-state visitors and locals alike marveled at the wonder of Revere Beach. There truly was nothing like it. As night fell and the Boulevard quieted down, the bright lights of the amusement park dotted the scene while families made their way home. With Easter coming in just a few days, we’d like to remember this magical time from the past.


