Revere Conservation Commission grants approvals…..
The Revere Conservation Commission held its monthly meeting last Wednesday and took action on a number of matters, including giving their approval to the next phases of the massive, mixed-use Suffolk Downs development.
The commission also gave its approval to a 360-unit project at 548-580 Revere Beach Blvd.
The agenda items for the meeting are listed below, along with the board’s discussions and votes for each item:.
1) MA DEP File #061-0770 – Abbreviated Notice of Intent (Continuation of public hearing). PJF + Associates representing applicant Russell Vitale – 20 Bryant Street, Revere, MA 02151. Project consists of construction of a garage in a 100-year flood plain.
Discussion and action:
A representative from PJF + Associates presented the commissioners with an updated engineering plan that addresses the water runoff that will be created from the construction of the garage. The new plan includes the installation of stone trenches on both sides of the structure to handle runoff from the roof.
A neighbor appeared before the commission asking if the proposed garage could be constructed on the other side of the property. However, he was informed that the specific siting of a structure was not within the purview of the Conservation Commission.
The Commission voted 5-0 to approve the project.
2) MA DEP File #061-0766 – Notice of Intent (Continuation of public hearing). Tim Alexander, MCRT Investments LLC – 548 – 580 Revere Beach Boulevard, Revere, MA 02151. Project consists of a 360-unit building with a drive-under parking facility. Applicant is not proposing Coastal Dunes impacts, but portions of the project will take place within the buffer zone of these off-site resources.