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Traffic Comm. Approves Parking Sticker Program

Revere Journal story by Cary Shuman

Revere Parking Sticker Program Approved

The Revere Traffic Commission, led by Chairman Paul Argenzio, unanimously approved a citywide overnight resident parking sticker program during its meeting April 25 at the Council Chambers.

James Rose, parking director for the City of Revere, said the program will begin in December following the distribution of the new parking passes to residents.

“Residents who pay an excise tax to the City of Revere will be able to obtain an overnight pass that will allow them to park on the street from 12 a.m. (midnight) to 6 p.m.,” said Rose. “What we’re trying to accomplish is more parking for our residents.”

The parking passes will be free of charge. There will be an annual charge of $10 for a visitors’ pass (one per household).

Rose said many people living in illegal rooming houses do not pay excise taxes to the city. Once the program is implemented, officers will be able to ticket those vehicle owners.

See Full Story at Revere Journal link here
