Feature artwork image by: Mr. Norman Gautreau
Easter Memories for so many…
We loved going to Revere Beach at Easter, with the hope of warm weather! It was a time to enjoy with friends, family and loved ones while being outside. Many would be all dressed up in their Sunday best but some went home to change after church if it was going to be too hot!
We couldn’t wait to get to Revere Beach! It was a sign of fun times and great business for so many like the owners who operated the rides, amusements and attractions.
Artwork by noted Revere Artist Mr. Norman Gautreau
The Cyclone Roller Coaster, the Bubble Bounce, the Dodgems, the Hot Rods the Round Up and the Whip like so many others thrilled thousands throughout a typical spring, summer, and fall season.
The fun and games like Fascination, the Bowling Alleys at the Nautical, Skill Right and the Shooting Galleries always drew so many! Never forget the music and dancing at the Frolic Nightclub, the Oceanview Ballroom and many more!
We loved the beautiful sound of organ music coming from the Hippodrome Merry Go Round and Hurleys’s Hurdlers as we were mesmerized by watching the Flying Horses go round and round.
Let’s hope for great weather ! The shop owners, food establishments and kids always looked forward to sunshine and warm temperatures!
Memories will stay with us forever! Each and every generation will hold their own special memories no doubt! Today of course it’s far different than many of us can remember but no less of a treasure.
The International Sand Sculpting Festival , Kite Festival, Pumpkin Festival , Bocce on the Beach are just some of the newer attractions that we all love.
Revere Beach has always inspired creativity and opportunity. For so many others it’s a wonderful place to just enjoy as an amazing natural resource, a place of peace and respite and reflection. We all hold it as a sanctuary and a place we can call our own and to enjoy anytime!
Story written by Bob Upton, Proprietor RevereBeach.com
Feature Image Top by Revere Artist Mr. Norman Gautreau